Megan Sim

IS415 Journeyer

About Me

I’m Megan Sim, a Year 4 SCIS student majoring in cybersecurity and business analytics. I’m excited to fiddle around with these new tools at my disposal as I learn more about geospatial analytics!

Fun fact: I love megan puns! (Get it? Megan? Making?)
Well, here’s a Megan Original for you:
Q: What does the lawyer order at the bar?
A: Just ice!

About This Blog

This blog is a record of my IS415 journey: from hands-on exercises to new discoveries, walk with me as we learn about geospatial analytics and its applications.

Illustrations are credited to


I’m down to chat anytime! Reach out to me on email, LinkedIn, or send me a Telegram message @boiledcactus.